Today was Brooke's birthday and we had quite a fantastic time exploring more of Puglia. We ventured to Alberobello and their network of traditional Trulli houses which consist mainly of stacked stones and thatched roofs. This area is mainly known for it's regional pasta called Orecchiette shaped like little ears.

We were also able to visit Grotte di Castellana and it's network of caves! The visible opening to this network was thought to be the opening to hell up until the early 1930's and they even recreate Dante's Inferno as a play each year. Besides a myriad of beautiful caverns, this cave system is home to one of the most pristine calcite deposits that make a stunningly white underground cavern that is widely considered to be one of the more gorgeous caverns (according to the geologist).

In the nearby city of Polignano A Mare, we had dinner in a beautiful seaside cave restaurant. Yeah, a restaurant in a damn cave. Fantastic views and great food. Hopefully it lived up to Brooke's birthday expectations! We return to Deutschland on Thursday so we plan to soak up all the warm sun as possible tomorrow.


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